Tuesday, December 23, 2008

thought of the day.162

Truth, justice, mercy, freedom, empathy, peace, and joy are all fine things on their own but sublime when melded as love.

Evangelical pastor, Rick Warren who was recently selected to pray at the Obama inauguration has been an outspoken opponent of gay marriage. His selection set off a firestorm of protests to which he responded saying he “loved” gays. But to truly love someone is to want the very best for them, to have empathy for them, to want them to be justly treated, to be free to be themselves, to find peace and joy. My guess is Rick Warren might want the best for people—gays included—but his “holy” book has twisted his notion of love.


homesicksooner said...

So tell me again why Rick Warren doesn't love gay people.

Are you saying that if a person says they "love" someone it's not "true love" if they believe the Bible to be true?

That's what this TOTD says! Surely you don't think this is true.

Please explain.

john evans said...

I would say the bible poisons the notion of love. It makes people argue that “God is love” even though he commanded murder and genocide. “God is love” even though he said men were to rule over women. “God is love” even though he says there are such thing as witches and that they must be killed. “God is love” even though wives, children and best friends are to be murdered if they worship another god. “God is love” even though homosexuals are to be killed and so on.

Rick Warren can say he loves people but a love that discriminates, that is unjust, that lacks compassion, is not true love.

homesicksooner said...

Please answer my question. I will post it again.

Are you saying that if a person says they "love" someone it's not "true love" if they believe the Bible to be true?

john evans said...

No. That is not what I said. I liken Warren’s proclamation of “love” of homosexuals as hollow as a slave owner’s “love” of his slaves. They both may love them them in their mind but it is a stunted love and the bible, with its pro-slavery and anti-homosexual verses contributes greatly to such constricting of real love.

Janet Greene said...

I would like to add that real love is empathic. It means putting yourself in the other person's shoes and attempting to have a true understanding of his or her position.

I think the problem with discussing gay rights with christians is very fundamental. Generally, christians see homosexual activity as a sin, an abomination to god. They do not understand that not only do people not CHOOSE to be gay, it is more than just an activity or sexual attraction to the same sex. It is a very deep part of a person's identity which cannot be separated from who they ARE. I don't think christians like Warren intend to be unkind; I think he is a very decent man. But he does not understand that you cannot separate being homosexual from being fully human. If we are not accepted for who we are, in total, it cannot be true love. True love means complete acceptance and respect for another person's journey.

Christians also mostly believe that homosexuals can be "cured" if they just get therapy, or pray, or trust god, or get married, or whatever. This does not work! If a gay person stops engaging in sex with another person of the same sex, it does not change who they are. Our sexual orientation is such a deep part of us that it can never change. This is why it's so difficult to "cure" pedophiles. Forcing gay people not to engage in sex with the person they really want to be with is torment. Many people have tried this route, unable to accept that they are gay. They marry and then later often leave their families to pursue a relationship that really leaves them fulfilled. This is hurtful to these families, and it would be much more preferable if they would have been able to be honest in the first place.

Another issue that christians seem to have with gays, related to the idea that it is a chosen lifestyle, is the issue of recruitment. They believe that when we openly accept gays, provide them with equal civil rights, etc., it encourages our children to become gay. This is an absurd notion, but reminds me of a joke I heard (remember, I grew up in a very christian environment):

"First of all, they allowed people to be gay in the privacy of their own bedroom. Then, they started marching, writing books, and getting married. I'm getting out of here before it becomes mandatory!"

Jokes like this emphasize an essential misunderstanding about homosexuality. It is hard for me to understand how this misunderstanding can continue considering that studies consistently show the same thing; that our sexuality is born into us (obviously, with environmental influences as well), and that you cannot "cure" it. It is not an illness; it is not pathalogical.

To me, it is sick when men beat their wives or children; when there are ugly divorces that leave children devastated; when there is a lack of love or coldness in a relationship. Lack of love is tragic. Consensual adult love, in all its forms, is beautiful.

One more thing. There is homosexuality in most species. I had "gay cats" at one point - before they were fixed I had to separate them for night or I wouldn't get any sleep! They were TOTALLY into each other. It is clear that approximately 10% of mammals are homosexual. And if I'm wrong, I guess my cats are now burning in hell...