Saturday, December 27, 2008

thought of the day.166

Christmas is merrier without Christ. An atheist can enjoy the flavor of the season without the fat—no virgin-birth hogwash to swallow, no guilt for being a dirty sinner, no hell to fear.


homesicksooner said...

Define Christmas.

john evans said...

Christmas, to me, is now simply a season to come together with friends and family. A chance to exchange gifts, eat a few more sweets than usual, enjoy the traditions of Chistmas music, and decked out trees, and maybe even be moved enough by the general holiday spirit in the air to drop a few dollars in the Salvation Army bucket.

homesicksooner said...

I find it interesting that you still call it Christmas. That is politically incorrect your know! : )

john evans said...

Some things cannot be fought. Of course that is precisely why Christmas ended up on Dec. 25th as the Christians used the pagan holidays (the original reason for the season) to slowly ease out the worship of other gods said to be born on that day.

I think Christmas will eventually (200 years?) become an almost completely secular holiday as Halloween has. But it will always be cherished by believers and nonbelievers as a special time of year.