Sunday, December 21, 2008

thought of the day.160

Vegetarian Sharks and the Absurdity of a Deathless Creation

To believe that God’s creation was originally “perfect” and that death only entered the world after the disobedience of Adam and Eve one must then presume God gave the shark its teeth to slice into seaweed not fish, gave the spider its web to catch sunlight not flies and gave the cheetah its speed to chase the wind not antelopes.

According to Genesis, God’s command was for mankind to multiply and fill the earth—an easy task without death to curb the population. Of course if there was no death, birds would darken the sky, fish overflow the seas and animals would eventually be stacked to the moon.

All absolutely absurd. Yet this is what Christian theology is based on. If there was no perfect world to begin with then there could be no “Fall” and if no Fall there is no reason for hell and if no hell there is no need of a saviour to save us from it. And the Christian house of cards collapses.

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