I think at a certain point in the development of the child you can make that argument. Certainly, early in the pregnancy the fetus is not a child but a mass of cells with only the potential to be a child. I would be fine with outlawing abortions after a certain stage of development.
At any point, it is the potential to be a child. Where can you draw a line and say "you are not a child here, but only here?" A seed has the potential to be a plant. Not all seeds become plants, but there is a 100 % chance that if you grind up that seed and throw it away, it will not become a plant.
I would think at the point in development that the the child has a nervous system that can experience pain would be a point we could say “potential” has become “person.”
A little quick research shows that 88% of abortions are done within the first 12 weeks. It seems the child can feel pain at 8 weeks. I would be in favor of outlawing abortions except in unusual circumstances after 8 weeks. This would undoubtedly add burden to the woman to act quickly but would eliminate much suffering on the part of the aborted fetus/child.
I still think there is a flaw in that. If you, as an adult, were under anesthetic, you wouldn't feel it if somebody killed you. Yet it would still be wrong.
I think a difference there is that the fetus has yet to develop the capacity to feel pain whereas the adult’s capacity has just been temporarily incapacitated.
I don’t think there is a perfect point in the development of a child that everyone would be comfortable with as some people consider 2 cells a child with a soul. The suffering threshold seems to be a good middle ground to me.
1. Christianity is INHERENTLY DIVISIVE as believers are promised eternal bliss and nonbelievers eternal torture.
2. Christianity INDUCES UNWARRANTED GUILT AND FEAR by asserting that a Cosmic Judge watches one’s every move and knows one’s every thought.
3. Christianity OBSCURES TRUTH AND PROMOTES FALSEHOODS by diverting focus from the natural (real) to the supernatural (unreal).
4. Christianity DEBASES HUMANITY by condemning us as sinners worthy of eternal damnation.
5. Christianity BREEDS A FALSE SENSE OF IMPORTANCE by asserting that The King of the Universe knew each of us intimately before we were born, knows the numbers of hairs on our head, has a special plan for us, loves us, watches us, listens to our every word, desperately wants a personal relationship with us and even promises to give us anything we ask for (Mt 21.22).
6. Christianity’s assertion that the Devil is real ALLOWS FOR THE LITERAL DEMONIZING of others.
7. Christianity PROVIDES THE ULTIMATE JUSTIFICATION FOR EVILS of all kinds (such as the vilifying of homosexuals and the subjection of women).
8. Christianity’s THREAT OF HELL HARDENS HEARTS and causes others mental anguish.
9. Christianity PROVIDES COVER FOR ABUSES OF ALL KINDS as evidenced by thousands of sexual abuse cases in the last few years alone.
10. Christianity LEGITIMIZES FRAUD as evidenced by countless insincere televangelists and church leaders.
It isn't her own body if it affects an unborn child, too.
I think at a certain point in the development of the child you can make that argument. Certainly, early in the pregnancy the fetus is not a child but a mass of cells with only the potential to be a child. I would be fine with outlawing abortions after a certain stage of development.
At any point, it is the potential to be a child. Where can you draw a line and say "you are not a child here, but only here?" A seed has the potential to be a plant. Not all seeds become plants, but there is a 100 % chance that if you grind up that seed and throw it away, it will not become a plant.
I would think at the point in development that the the child has a nervous system that can experience pain would be a point we could say “potential” has become “person.”
A little quick research shows that 88% of abortions are done within the first 12 weeks. It seems the child can feel pain at 8 weeks. I would be in favor of outlawing abortions except in unusual circumstances after 8 weeks. This would undoubtedly add burden to the woman to act quickly but would eliminate much suffering on the part of the aborted fetus/child.
I still think there is a flaw in that. If you, as an adult, were under anesthetic, you wouldn't feel it if somebody killed you. Yet it would still be wrong.
I think a difference there is that the fetus has yet to develop the capacity to feel pain whereas the adult’s capacity has just been temporarily incapacitated.
I don’t think there is a perfect point in the development of a child that everyone would be comfortable with as some people consider 2 cells a child with a soul. The suffering threshold seems to be a good middle ground to me.
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