Wednesday, January 23, 2008

thought of the day.28

“God” is a stumbling block to understanding the universe in two powerful ways.

1. When sacred myths are understood as literal history they give us a false understanding of reality.

2. Believing “God” did this or that encourages us to be satisfied with untestable supernatural explanations, rather than encouraging us to seek natural explanations.


Unknown said...

Does any word in and of itself add anything to our existence? I can run around yelling "Jumping bus platypus peggle cree!" as loud as I want to, and it doesn't mean anything to anyone. (In fact I'd probably be sent to an insane asylum!) Words themselves are nothing more than scribbling from a pen or babbling from a voice box. It's only what the words mean or signify that adds meaning. So when we create the word "God" to refer to the Creator of the universe, that is when it has meaning.

john evans said...

Excellent comments, Kelsie. I totally agree. You have inspired me to rewrite that thought in a more clear manner. Thanks.