Wednesday, April 22, 2009

thought of the day.281

“Death is not an event in life; we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.”

~Ludwig Wittgenstein


Anonymous said...

Actually, I know that I can't wait until I die. Not that I don't enjoy my life here, but life on the other side...As Paul put it, "To live is Christ and to die is gain...I am torn between [the desire to live and the desire to die]; I desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I should remain." :-)

(Philippians 1:21-23)

john evans said...

It saddens me that your belief system has led you to say “that I can’t wait until I die.”

The world is a much better place with kind people like you in it so I would suggest focusing on this world and doing all you can to make it a better place.

Anonymous said...

Like I said, I love my life here, too! I love my boyfriend and my family and my cat and all my friends at school. I love babysitting and working with the four-year-olds at church and swimming and singing and writing and taking pictures. I love the earth I live on, and I love trying to make an impact!

I'm just saying that I know it's gonna be even better on the other side. All the most amazing joys of this life pale in comparison to Heaven! I can't wait to see what's in store there!

john evans said...

Thanks for clarifying. Glad you are so happy! :)

I would just say no one knows if there is anything beyond this life. All evidence points to consciousness ceasing upon the death of the body. I have found great freedom in not needing more than this life. For me, heaven is here and now. At least in fleeting moments. Hell too is here. Mostly of our own making.