Sunday, March 23, 2008

thought of the day.87

“It is a fascinating “coincidence” that this year “Easter” - purportedly the day of the resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ, the “only begotten Son of God” - falls precisely on the last day of the three-day vernal equinox period.

“In reality, this development is no “coincidence,” because the vernal equinox is the real “reason for the season,” and “Christ” is in reality the personification of the SUN of God, revered around the globe for millennia.

“The vernal equinox marks the arrival of Spring, when for three days the SUN is “hung on a cross,” whereby the days and the nights are the same length. At the end of the three days - during which time the sun is said to be in a "tomb," as it showed no movement - the day begins to become longer than the night, and the sun is said to have been “resurrected.” In ancient times, the sun’s resurrection at the end of the vernal equinox was accompanied by great celebrations during which it was shouted, “He is risen!”

— Acharya S

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