Friday, January 22, 2010

thought of the day.382

“What makes America great IS our tolerance for the dissent, a concept "true believers" have difficulty with since religion deals with doctrine while a democracy deals with a wide variety of opinions meant to be dealt with on a secular basis under the COTUS that makes no mention of GOD anywhere in it. This was meant to be a religious neutral country, contrary to the way a large group of southern angry white christofascist would have it.

I am not impressed with flag waving and chest thumping, that’s not patriotism, it's a joke. Knowing the constitution and the bill of rights and truly understanding what makes America the exceptional place it is, and living the ideals of our founding fathers, that’s patriotism. And finally courage is going against the prevailing power and standing up for a belief, courage is the lone guy standing in front of the tank in Tiananmen square not the loud mouth bullies waving flags and telling everyone they don't agree with to shut up. If that's what you think patriotism is then keep on dialing in GOP AM Hate radio and drink your koolaid - you're beyond help.”

~ Mark Doyle (my new friend on facebook)

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