Saturday, March 28, 2009

thought of the day.255

Gems from The Simpsons Library of Wisdom

“Pride goeth before prejudice, and I before Ye except after Thee.”
Isayso 16:18

“But if you break my covenant I will chastise you seven times more for your sins, and then I will bring on you seven times more plagues, plus I will punish you another seven times more just for the hell of it.”
Reverberations 6:8

“The Lord neither giveth slack nor taketh any up.”
Luke and Matthew Perry 3:19

“Thus was said to Peter, Paul, and Mary: “Taketh the blasphemer and let Ye stone him unto death, and let he who pitched last season’s shutout game cast the first stone.”
Hey Jude 24:16

~ Flanders’ Book of Faith

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