Friday, February 6, 2009

Thought of the day.205

The Image of God

The bible says man was made in the image of God. Or does it?

“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness...”

That’s an “us” and two “ours” clearly written by men still holding to polytheistic notions. But what’s troubling isn’t the number but the nature of this God(s). This is a character who’s very name is “Jealous.” What an unflattering image! So jealous is this character it demands the killing of family and friend for praying to a different god. And this character isn’t a Peacemaker but a “man of war.” Is there a more ugly image than war? Well yes, torture is an even uglier image than war, and Jesus himself gives us this despicable image:

“... In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you...”

Maniacally Jealous, a Man of War, a Cruel Jailer. Is it wise to teach children they are made in the image of such a fiend?

Gn 1:26, Ex 15:3, 34:14, Mt 18:33-35


Janet Greene said...

I want to comment on the extent to which we guilt ourselves, twist and spin to fit inside a mold that we have created to be "godlike". I came across a website talking about teenagers who are publicly stating their christian beliefs. In other words, it's "Kool to be Kristian!!!" Check this out:

The Passion for Christ Movement has launched their new T-Shirt line ( entitled "The Ex-Series." At the forefront of their campaign is the "EX-MASTURBATOR" t-shirt, an achievement they claim is possible with the help of Christ. Also available: "Ex-Fornicator," "Ex-Diva," "Ex-Slave," "Ex-Atheist," and "Ex-Hypocrite."

Their website states:

When God wants to take His message of deliverance across the globe, there is NO stopping Him. Check out this feature of the EX Shirts on one of the fastest growing Christian Hip Hop magazines in the US: Also, hit up their new article, "Masturbation" It breaks down the lies behind masturbation, explains how this is actually a sin, and how we can be freed through Christ.

And if you need even more encouragement, check out ya girl Dameco's latest blog entry, in which she fearlessly testifies to her struggle and victory over masturbation!

We pray that you will join us in breaking the silence on an issue that has stayed silent for too long. Be the first to boldly rock your Ex-Masturbator shirt and let's change the world baby! Click below on one of the pictures to order your shirt.

Quote over - it's Janet again. Well, obviously I'm happy for anyone who, with the lord's help, is able to claim victory over masturbation. Notwithstanding the fact that I believe that unnatural repression of sex spills out into perversion in our society. I think all the sex crimes in north america (including rape & incest) can largely be explained by the twisting of sexuality by christianity. This is one example of how we try to remake ourselves into what we believe to be god's image; but in fact, we have created this god AND the image ourselves. How sad for us.

Janet Greene said...

John, responding to your comment on this post (that is also under Thursday's thought of the day), I agree that this is MAJOR creepy. I get depressed when a whole new generation of people are taken in by this. I don't want anyone to go through what I went through. It's so hard to grow as a person when you are christian; it denies us the freedom to question evidence and come to conclusions from that. Rather, it has it's conclusions in place already and christians are forced to spin and twist the bible to conform to science. This is the opposite of freedom; I agree that it makes people slaves. Question: If we create god in our own image, which we clearly do, why do we make it such a murderous, judgmental god who would like to humiliate us with a t-shirt with the words "ex-masturbator" splashed on it??? I guess it was always about fear and power. Fear keeps people weak and easily manipulated. For example, Germany was a very religious country where people were taught to obey. And look at the legacy of Hitler who capitalized on that. As soon as people stop thinking, they are in danger of becoming evil.

Janet Greene said...

I would also like to add that it was the same tactic the Bush administration used to keep people silent when their rights were being stripped away. Thank goodness we noticed this, but I don't know if we noticed it soon enough. This christian legacy of fear for the bulk of the population (and no accountability for the wealthy) has practically destroyed the United States - I hope it isn't too late to fix. Bush is very god-like, in my view. What is wrong for others (ie murder, wiretapping, etc.) is ok for Bush because he's, well, god. No accountability at all. Just like god of the bible - as long as it's a deity causing heartache, death and destruction, it's still part of god's beautiful plan for his beloved children. It's so scary to me that so many people still do not see this.

john evans said...

Amen! Amen! And Amen! Thanks for the excellent comments, Janet.

Janet Greene said...

Here's an article on how christian societies suffer more murder, abortion, etc. I would be interested in some of your christian bloggers' opinions/explanations of this:

homesicksooner said...

I have two sons that I love dearly. One is 7 and the other is 2. They bring more joy to my life than I ever thought imaginable. I make sure that I balance my work schedule so that I am with them every moment that I can be. I strive to instill in them a love for fellow man and a respect for life itself.

I teach my boys that they are loved by God and created in his image. You say it's terrible that I would teach my children such things! Atheism is an extremely intolerant and judgmental system. It's amazing to me that atheists can claim to be moral relativists yet be so judgmental and intolerant about what Christians believe and teach their children.

As far as your other thoughts go:

1. The "us" has nothing to do with polytheism, but rather is a proclamation of the triune nature of the one God. It was written by Moses (the documentary hypothesis is not a credible theory) and Moses was a monotheist who believed in the one true and living God. Genesis shows us that the writer was a monotheist, not a polytheist.

2. Is jealousy immoral? You view God's jealousy as an unflattering image. What does this prove other than that God exists and you don't like him. Surely better arguments against God's existence exist?

3. The image of God in man means that man possesses personality, intelligence, morality, gregariousness, and creativity etc. Why is teaching that such a bad thing?

john evans said...

I never said it was terrible to teach children they were loved by God. Why is it I so often have to go through the exercise of refuting erroneous statements you make?

You say “Atheism is an extremely intolerant and judgmental system.” I have said I will no longer comment on your false belief that atheism is a system of belief so I will not. It is fair to accuse me of making a judgmental and intolerant statement but don’t blame it on the lack of belief in a god.

The whole “made in the image of God” is so nebulous that it can be interpreted in any number of ways. I believe it is fair to look at the character of the bible God to determine his “image”. I have shown why I think it is a horribly ugly image. Do you really disagree that the image of someone so jealous they demand murdering one’s own beloved wife, children and friends for praying to the wrong god is ugly? Do you really disagree that “a man of war” or torturing jailer are likewise ugly images? This is the character you suggest your children are made in the image of. Now you don’t read them those parts at bedtime because you don’t want to give them nightmares. The image you give them of your God is quite incomplete isn’t it?

1. Elohim means multiple gods and this was the original word used for god by one of the groups that wrote the creation stories. There were 2 different accounts written of the creation and flood that were combined. Who wrote the bible is an excellent book which covers this. The Israelites prayed to multiple gods for many hundreds of years which is clearly shown throughout the bible. Here is a link about polytheism in the bible:

2. I am in no way attempting to prove God does not exist. That of course is an impossible task. Exactly as impossible as proving Santa does not exist. I can however demonstrate using the bible itself the God character is an immoral monster worthy of all the contempt we can summon.

3. That is a nice interpretation you have there. I have no objection to that other than it is not found in scripture. You say the image of God means we possess “personality, intelligence, morality, gregariousness, and creativity etc.” Why do you have to link “God” to that? Isn’t it enough to recognize we have those traits and celebrate them?

homesicksooner said...

Okay John you got me! One thing part of it was true and the other part was not.

You didn't say it was terrible for me to teach my kids they are loved by God. But you did say is was terrible for me to teach them that they are made in God's image.

Atheism is a system. It's irrefutable. There are certain things that one must believe to be an atheist.

Those are not the only things I teach my kids about God. The view of God they get is biblical and is complete.

1. The Documentary Hypothesis that you reference has major problems. Moses wrote Genesis and it's obvious from the entire book that he was a monotheist.

2. You have to borrow from Christianity to argue against it. You must sit in God's lap in order to slap him in the face. What if you could disprove the Bible? Does God vanish? Many of the early deists didn't believe the Bible was from God, but they still believed in Him. Discrediting scripture will ultimately profit you nothing. Even if you could, God would still exist.

3. God exists. He made me. Thus, I believe I possess the image of God in me. That's how I account for it. Can you tell me how we possesses personality, intelligence, morality, gregariousness, and creativity etc.?

Janet Greene said...

Homesick, I'm butting in again here! I will let John answer you, but I do have to contradict your assumption that atheism is a "system". Atheism is a LACK OF BELIEF IN GOD. It is not a system. I also have a LACK OF BELIEF in the tooth fairy. I have a LACK OF BELIEF in the god Zeus. I have a LACK OF BELIEF that there is a red firetruck that invisibly circles the earth looking for fires to put out. Are these all "systems" too??? Lack of belief in something simply means that we do not believe it exists. You seem to have a hard time really believing that atheists no more believe in god than they believe in Santa. We are not angry at god; we are not rebelling against god; we do not believe he exists. I hope this is clear...

john evans said...

Janet, Thanks for butting in! You said it much better than I could...

Maybe I should reword my post to be clearer. It is not “terrible” of parents to teach their kids they are loved by God or made in the image of god as long as the image is a loving one. What I was trying to communicate is that the image of the bibleGod is anything but simply loving. It is warring, jealous and cruel which overrides any loving acts, just as the neighbor who volunteers at the soup kitchen, animal shelter and children’s hospital need be condemned for beating and raping his wife.

You say “The view of God they get is biblical and is complete.” Well, I certainly hope not. To teach a child that his friends who do not believe as he does will be consumed by flesh-eating worms that never die and fires that Jesus never puts out forever and ever is child abuse, plain and simple.

You said, “You have to borrow from Christianity to argue against it. You must sit in God's lap in order to slap him in the face.” I heard Frank Turek use this line in his debate. He likes it so much he used it a couple times in fact. And it is one of the most ridiculously egotistical things a Christian could say. So you and Frank are suggesting no one that lived before christianity came along could make moral judgments? Please.

I can’t disprove the bible but I can bring to light the immorality of it and in this way appeal to people’s common sense of decency and hope they see it as the word of man not god.

Does God vanish? No. But maybe the Yahweh/Jesus characters will die and be buried like the thousands of gods that have come and gone before.

I really have no problem with the belief that a god may exist. I believe a god may exist as does any reasonable atheist. We just place the probability very low based on the lack of evidence. It is “revealed” religion that is the real problem. When someone can point to a divinely revealed scripture and justify injustices (slavery, killing witches and homosexuals, oppression of women, etc) we have a serious problem.

You ask, “Can you tell me how we possesses personality, intelligence, morality, gregariousness, and creativity etc.?” Yes, these characteristics evolved to become as fundamental and natural part of us as barking is to a dog or swimming is to a fish.

Janet Greene said...

Homesick, you seem to ask a lot of questions about evolution. I would encourage you to read Dawkins "The god delusion" or "Origin of the Species" - that way you will be in a better position to argue against natural selection.