Wednesday, November 17, 2010

thought of the day.451

Quick thoughts on Atheism, Agnosticism and Theism

These observations presuppose the idea that for a proposition to be reasonable, it must be supported by evidence.

To me, there are two main types of atheism — Reasonable and Unreasonable.
An Unreasonable Atheist would state there is — without doubt — no god. This is an unreasonable position because no evidence can support it.
A Reasonable Atheist does not claim to know there are no gods, but believes there are none due to the lack of evidence for one.

The Agnostic says she cannot know whether or not there is a god. Of course no one can. But agnosticism seems to be an intellectual cop-out. This person would likely not claim to be “agnostic” about countless other unknowable things like the idea that invisible pink monkeys orbit the Earth and yet makes an exception for the idea of god.

The Theist believes there is a god based on evidence not strong enough to transform “believing” into “knowing” rendering the Theist position inherently unreasonable; and the theist who claims to know there is a god is as unreasonable as the atheist who, with the same certainty, claims there is none.

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