Sunday, November 1, 2009

thought of the day.341

The difference between Science and Creationism

Scientists search for a deeper understanding of reality by:
1. collecting data
2. drawing conclusions

Creationists believe they already possess the Truth (Bible) and so:
1. start with the conclusion
2. collect data to support it

Science continually expands our knowledge while Creationism retards it and is yet another example of the harm done by religion.


Anonymous said...

If scientists could start from a completely and utterly unbiased position and completely discard their presuppositions in the ultimate quest for truth based solely off of facts, I think that would be a great thing.

Unfortunately, scientists come into the field with some sort of bias or presupposition - it's unavoidable. Many of them start out with the belief that Christianity (or any religion) is completely impossible and absurd. So really, they're starting with some sort of foregone conclusion before examining the evidence themselves.

john evans said...

The scientific method weeds out bias. That’s the beauty and power of it.

Anonymous said...

If you start with any sort of foregone conclusion, you are likely to interpret the facts in such a way as to support your conclusion, whether consciously or subconsciously, as you pointed out in your original post.